What to Look For in Your Child’s Booster Seat

One of the hardest tasks of parents during traveling with their newborn is to make sure that they are safe and secure. Most accidents in the road that involved children below 5 years old are because of the parent’s negligence. There are laws in some states that require child booster seats especially if your child is below 20kg. Below are factors that you need to consider in choosing the right booster that suits your needs:

Kind of vehicle seat belts – When shopping for booster car seats the first thing you need to consider is what type of seat belt system that your car has. It will help you determine which type of booster seat you need. Like if you have a lap belt only, you need a booster seat with harness and back system.
Kind of Back – You must determine whether you need a back on your child’s seat. To determine this you will need to check on your vehicle’s lap belt and shoulder. You need backless booster seats if your vehicle has a shoulder and a lap belt, but only when your child is tall enough to use the belt system in your vehicle. It is also a must that your back seat has a headrest to protect your head from whiplash in case of accident. If in case your child is still on the shorter side of your vehicle, you will need a high back booster car seat that has harness system. These use the seat belts of your vehicle to hold it in position, while the harness holds your child in the seat.
Convertible or not – There are two different type of convertible seats for you to choose from. The convertible boosters car seats that have a rear facing infant seat can be converted into a forward facing seat for older babies and then change it to a backless booster seat. The other type of convertible booster car seat has a high back booster with harness system. You can convert this into a backless booster once your child is tall enough.
Features – What do you want to have? There are numerous designs to choose from. Aside from patterns and colors, you can get booster car seats that have padding on the harness and extra safety features such as lap belt anchor which holds your vehicles lap belt in position and prevents your child from slipping underneath during accident.
With this in mind, there is no reason why you cannot find the best bo

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Are Toddler Booster Seats By Britax the Best?

Almost all toddler booster seats will look the same, although some may have different features if compared to others. There are quite a number of toddler booster car seats that have cup holders as an extra feature. Your child will love this little cup holders as most of them are beautifully designed that can act as toys too.

Most of the car seats are developed to grow with your child. The adjustable head rest and arm rests will accommodate your child because the seat can grow taller while your child grows taller. This means that your child can use the same car seat for a longer period of time and you in turn will save money as you will not be required to purchase another car seats for them.

The head support of the latest booster seat’s design may also be use by you for example while traveling on trains, buses, cars and airplanes, You can even utilize them while relaxing in recliners.

Here’s some tips on how to use the toddler booster seats. If your child weigh more than forty pounds then they will need to be in a belt positioning seat. This is the seat that they will probably stay in until they are eight years old. The safety harness of the seat needs to be used until your child is at least eighty pounds and 4 feet and 9 inches tall.

When they have reached the height of about 4 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh at least 80 pounds, it is only then can they can use the car’s lap and shoulder belt as long as they are positioned properly. The belt securing the lap needs to lie across their hip, not across their tummy. The shoulder part must be place across their shoulder, not rubbing their neck. All children of 12 and younger should be staying in the back seat if possible.

When you are looking around to buy toddler boosters for your newborn, infant or toddler, I suggest that you take a look at the Britax seats. The Britax booster seat ensure that your child is safe when you are driving your vehicle and are unable to give full attention.During a crash, britax booster seats will be able to absorb most of the impacts so that your child will always be protected.

Thanks to their cutting edge safety features, now every parents can breathe a sigh of relief whenever their child is seated in the Britax toddler booster seats.

I have prepared very detailed reviews on some of the best toddle

Why I Chose A Cosco Booster Seat To Keep My Child Safe In The Car

Nothing is more precious than our children and their safety. We have to take our children in the car and we need to keep them safe. You would not normally expect to shop for a bargain product where child safety is concerned. However the Cosco booster seat range is not only available online at brilliant prices, the Cosco Pronto was rated a ‘Best Buy’ by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Buying a very safe, yet inexpensive car seat is important to me as I have to run on a tight budget.

I read up on safety legislation about Booster Seats. This seems to vary depending on where you live but generally, the advice seems to fall into two groups. For children between around 22 lb and 40 lb in weight, the high-backed type is recommended. For children over 40 lb and over 4′ 9″ in height, a backless booster can be used.

You can buy a Cosco Booster in both the high-backed type (which can be converted to a backless booster when your child is big enough) and the backless type. I trust the Cosco brand as it is certainly at the forefront of products for children (their range of strollers is excellent, for example). Cosco guarantee that everything they make meets – and in many cases, exceeds – safety standards.

Using the right safety seat for your child’s weight and height will protect them 31/2 times better than if they were seated in an adult seat belt alone. The reports highlighting the big fall in traffic accident injuries and deaths in children aged four to six since the introduction of car booster seat legislation in 2005 are compelling. So, even though cost is a big issue for me, I would never travel a child in a car in an ordinary adult belt. I am glad that I found Cosco Booster Seats at brilliant prices online.

Author Alison Graham is a Mom and Grandmom. She writes on many subjects, including family and children topics. You will fin

Booster Seats For Older Children – At What Age Are They Old Enough For Seat Belts?

If you have ever watched a child in a car, that is too small for a regular shoulder seat belt, they will almost always pull it off their shoulder and place it behind them. It is never tight enough to hold them in case of an accident and isn’t doing much good. This is why booster seats were designed. The problem is that just because your child is to big for his forward facing safety car seat, he is still not quite tall enough for the lap and shoulder belts to fit him. Seat belts are just not made to be, “one size fits all.” Your child should ride in booster car seats until his ears can reach the top of the seat. This is usually about 4′ 9″ in height and between ages 8 and 12 years. of age. A booster car seat are made to lift the child up, so that the regular seat belts will lay correctly on your child and hold them tightly.

Booster Seats For School Aged Children

Booster seats are to be used for older children who have outgrown their regular forward-facing car safety seats. There are ways that you can tell whether your child has out grown his car seat and is ready for a booster seat.

He has grown tall enough or has reached the weight limit for a harness. Your manual for your car seat will specify what those limits are.
When your child’s shoulders are above the very top slots of their car seat. The shoulder straps should be at or above her shoulders.
There are two kinds of booster seats, which are High-back and backless booster seats. They do not come with harness straps, booster seats are to be used with the lap and shoulder belts in your car. They usually come with a plastic clip or guide to help you correctly use them. Make sure to read the manual for directions on how to install them properly.

Installation Tips

1. You must always use a lap and shoulder belt with your booster car seat. It is not safe to use them with only lap belt.

2. When using a booster seat, the lap belt should lie low and snug across your child’s upper legs.

3. The shoulder belt should cross in the middle of your child’s chest.


If your car does not have shoulder belts, do not use booster car seats. You will need to use a forward facing car seat. Another option is a travel vest. Some of them can be use with only lap belts. You must check the manual on each one, as they are all different.

Make sure your child does not tuck the shoulder belt under her arm or behind her back. This leaves the upper body unprotected, putting your child at risk of severe injury in a crash or with sudden braking. Never allow anyone to share a seat belt.

Do not use safety car seats that have been in a moderate or severe crash.

No one seat is the best or the safest. The best child safety seat is the one that fits your child’s age and size. It needs to be correctly installed, fit well in your vehicle, and be used properly every time you drive.